Sunday, March 24, 2013

Pool Party: Listen to Splashh

I've spent several of the last few days in Boulder, Colorado, that fair city beneath the Flatirons, such wont of chill. I take it in doses. I listened to a fair amount of Tame Impala, still so fascinated by Australians' seemingly genetic ability to revamp various strains of sound from the last five decades into fresh psychedelia. Like Ezra Pound said, "make it new."

And I was jonesing for another band that can do the same thing. Here came Splashh, deus ex machina, transplants from Australia, New Zealand, and Britain writing lo-fi 90's revival in London. "Sun Kissed Bliss" weaves Apples in Stereo together with something like an ethereal pool party. My metaphors fail me, but check out their Soundcloud for a free download, too. And keep your eyes on Splashh - they have an LP coming out soon on Kanine Records